Consulting and Actionable Insights
Every business has its own challenges and is generally at different stages of its growth cycle. We find it exciting and challenging to help businesses see things from a perspective of finance and operational processes point of view and hence make growth decisions.
This practice area involves a bouquet of services like:
- Valuation of Business,
- Due diligence (Finance and tax) of a business on behalf of an acquirer,
- Due diligence or audit (finance and tax) preparation on behalf of any company,
- Process Audits,
- Internal Audits on behalf of Management,
- SOX implementation and testing,
- Cash flow projections,
- Designing of management reports linking the financial performance to their key performance metrics and/or their operations,
- Fixed Asset Verification,
- Audit of a particular transaction or with a specific objective,
- Tax laws’ implementation reviews,
- Reconciliation of accounts with external reports,
- Consulting on process optimization / books of accounts setup,
- Ind AS or IFRS consulting and implementation.