Tax (Income Tax, GST and Customs’ Duty) Advisory and Compliance support services
Indian tax regulations like its global counterpart levy a Direct and an Indirect Tax.
Tax is the price paid by a person for a civilized society. Businesses know that it is not simply a ‘payment’ that has to be done but it has to be the right payment.
To determine what is the right payment is what drives us in this offering. We provide consulting in both direct and indirect tax laws in India. We help businesses to ascertain what is the right tax payable, how to pay it, when to pay it and how to report it to the relevant authorities. We also help businesses respond to the queries raised by tax office to clarify any concerns on the above matters.
If a business is importing or exporting any product or service from India, then we help a business understand the implication of Indirect taxes on such acts.
Indirect taxes impact the pricing and cost of a product or service that business supplies. It is thus imperative to correctly understand the nuances of the impact on taxes.

Direct tax
Direct tax is a tax payable by a Person/Business/Corporation/LLP on their Incomes earned based on Indian Income Tax Act, 1961 and rules framed as amended from time to time. This law also mandates payment of advance taxes, withholding of tax from specified payments, audit, etc and submission of various reports.
Indirect tax
Indirect tax is a consumption based tax which a consumer (business or otherwise) of goods or service pays to the Government through the supplier of goods or service. There are a very few exceptions wherein a receiver of goods or service is liable to remit a tax to government as a consumer. Indirect taxes in India are based on Goods and Services Tax, 2017 and the Customs Act for supplies received from outside India.